Now, I suppose we could delve deeply into the role of prophets in ancient Israel, and their function in holding political leadership to accountability, and we could probably begin to identify the people and the situations the prophet Ezekiel was referring to. But why? It's summer; it's hot, and it's the picnic weekend, here at St. Agatha!
So, let's enjoy ourselves, and take a quick look at the Gospel reading–a reading that always gives me a chuckle.
The context for the Gospel reading is the return of the 12, after having been "sent out" on their first mission. They are tired, but full of stories of what people have been living with, and what their needs are, and how the teaching of Jesus was able to re-connect them with meaning. But, after a bit, the energy is winding down, and Jesus can see that they are exhausted. He, too, needs to rest. So He says, "Come away to a deserted place and rest."
BUT, THERE IS NO REST!!! They no sooner get there to what they think is a place of rest and refreshment, when they find that people had discovered where they'd be going, and there they are!—sort of like paparazzi forever seeking out stars! But, while there's some of that, there's more. It's just a fact that once you learn to "pay attention" to other people..........and that's what Jesus wanted of his disciples................then you see needs everywhere you go!
Do you remember how Christ had sent out his disciples on mission? They had a walking stick and not much food, no drink, no money....they had a pair of sandals and a tunic. Nothing else. They had to learn that the real problems of life aren't solved by "throwing money" at them........they are solved by friendship. And discipleship is NOT about having "stuff to give away," rather, the disciple had to depend on those he ministered to to feed HIM! It's allowing people to share what little they have that restores their dignity. It's NOT about giving everyone everything they's about letting people "re-find their strength and goodness" by sharing what they, themselves, have to share. This is the basis of friendship. This is the energy that will transform the world.
BUT, it demands that the minister PAY DILIGENT ATTENTION to the people to whom
he is sent. WHAT does this person need? What do they have to offer the world that will start the energy flowing for them? How have they lost connection with the Source of all energy, and how can we begin to restore that connection? How can this person who looks so frail and vulnerable be encouraged to again reach out in trust in frienship? It is "heavy work," and it demands a deep listening, a constant attention...............
But, here's the kicker! When you learn how to do no longer have rest, for you see the needs EVERYWHERE......
Then the world is like a parent with a passel of little can't even get peace in the bathroom! SOMEONE is banging on the door, needing something!!!!
That's why I say the Gospel makes me chuckle. I see 13 men–Christ and the 12–not even able to use the bathroom without someone in need presenting themselves for something.
This is our is a very needy world. We are well over 6 billion souls and growing every day. The needs of 6 billion people can be like a "black hole" that swallows us all in a mad scramble to obtain relief......................OR......................we can also look at our world as 6 billion potential friends....with energy and smiles and even goods to share. Then the world is translated into a cornucopia of possibility for enrichment.
We are sent by the Prince of Peace into the highways and byways of our world to pay
attention to what it is that bothers people so that we can call forth from them the GIFT that only they can give....and when they've learned to give it, all our world will be so much richer.
But, of course, the nature of "paying attention," is that we are always "on patrol!" Our eyes are always looking for what is making people hurt, and opening our ears to their tale, and our minds to their problem..............
SO.........there won't be much rest for us either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, what do I advise? I suggest you hurry to the picnic before you get
weighted down under a billion cares......because there, you'll meet good
Friends who want to share with you their hearts and their ears, and who
Are waiting for you to share, too.
Today, the Gospel reminds us that life isn't easy...........there's always suffering and pain....but there is ALSO always friendship which halves pain and doubles joy. So, hit that picnic and make lots of friends.
And may God bless you all. +
-Father Bill Axe, O.SS.T.